Friday, March 26, 2010

It's a 'psychology'

After reading my first blogpost, one ostensibly wise man told me that I was going through a mere adolescent identity crisis phase. According to my psychology textbook, there are two major identity issues which stare and mock adolescents:

a. The formation of an identity independent from that of their parents.
This surprisingly was never an issue for me.

b. The act of choosing a career option.
This has suddenly transformed into an issue of ginormous proportions for me,
and my household, leading to tears, and screaming, and eventually
(hopefully) some alcohol.

I remember, distinctly, that after this psychology class, I was rather taken aback and frightened. Although the textbook points to an end to this punitive damage inflicted upon us, the more I thought about it, I realised that the entire identity crisis is a never ending cycle. You know, quarter life crisis, mid life mid life crisis, and the likes. So, I asked my psychology teacher, will this ever end? Will we ever be spared?

Unfortunately, she didn't say no. She said, however, that according to most psychologists, each crisis that we do endure, leads to stability. The question is, who wants to be stable?

I once remember trying to compare human life to atoms. ( In my defence, I have a very limitted knowledge about atoms ) Atoms, are constantly in motion, trying to attract charges, to become stable...but once they do become stable... they don't exist anymore. What I'm trying to say is, these problems, and issues, and identity crisis, they make us who we truly are. Not stable. And human.

And as Shakespeare said, " Be cheerful. Wipe thine tears. Some falls are means for happier to arise."

Or something like that.


  1. Alright. I think I'd like you to figure this out:
    What are you trying to do here? You said to me a while ago: "I like to control my music" or, something to that effect anyway.

    So...are you looking for control? Or are you looking for a place where you don't need to control anything? Or are you looking to get away from someone else's control?

    You see, thats basically what I think life is about. Control. Either you have it, or you don't.
    Usually you don't.

    So..its also about whether you can live with that fact, ot whether its going to rip you apart with frustration (very, very painful. Speaking from personal experience).

    Also, I heard Rootboy.
    And, I LOOOVE my handwriting with Sasha.

    PS: Listen to I'm Yours-Jason Mraz. I've gone crazy.

  2. Firtsly, it's disgusting that you've only recently heard I'm yours, if you want to kill yourself with Mraz, listen to if it kills me.

    Secondly, life is not about control. Not entirely. Life is about what you want it to be about.

